All posts by micealohurley


Housing and Property Disputes

  • Building, Construction and Property Management Matters
  • Professional Negligence and Breach of Contract Resolution
  • Community Mediation and Conflict Reduction
  • Landlord-Tenant Dispute Mediation and Resolution
  • Neighbour Dispute Settlements
  • Purchase and/or Sale Problem Resolution
  • Building and/or Construction Complaint Resolution
  • Fraud and/or Deception Claim Resolution

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Mortgage, Rent and Debt Renegotiations

  • Mortgage payment negotiations with Banks
  • Debt management/restructuring plans
  • Guarantor Withdrawal and/or Guarantor Default Conflicts
  • Breach of Contract Disputes
  • Liability Issue Mediation
  • Landlord/Tenant Negotiations
  • Banking Contract Dispute Resolution
  • Damage Assessment Dispute Resolution

With today’s banking problems, individuals, couples, businesses and others are facing serious problems making ends meet. Because of outdated consumer protection laws, administration and bankruptcy laws and the costs involved, many find moving forward difficult in today’s climate. Munster Mediation can help you re-structure your debt, negotiation reduced payments, engage in debt forgiveness negotiations and help you move forward in a constructive manner without further financial worries and by helping you come to agreement with your creditors on terms you can actually meet.

If you would like to send us a message or request a call back, please fill in the following form:

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Personal Conflicts & Disputes

  • Estate, Wills And Probate Dispute Resolution
  • Trustee Disputes
  • Conflict of Interest Settlements
  • Consumer Disputes
  • Dispute Resolution Where Government is a Party (Statutory & Regulatory)
  • Professional Negligence
  • Clinical Negligence
  • Bullying
  • Elder care / Family Negotiations
  • Personal Injury Claim Mediation
  • Family Business Dispute Resolution

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Commercial & Contract Dispute Resolution

  • Contract Dispute Settlements
  • Partnership Conflict Resolution
  • Redundancy and/or Termination Negotiations

Munster Mediation has been able to help many clients resolve their dispute before large legal bills create even greater problems. With experience from the board room to the Commercial Court, Munster Mediation is able to meet your commercial and contract dispute resolution needs. Additionally, patients, family members, survivors, physicians, medical centres and insurers have availed of Munster Mediation’s services to settle complicated medical malpractice and/or medical negligence claims of up to 3,000,000 while achieving privacy goals and fairness in settlements that all parties have found acceptable.

If you would like to send us a message or request a call back, please fill in the following form:

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Workplace Mediation

  • Dignity at Work Complaints
  • Facilitation/Mediation Between Employees and Employer Where Role of HR Personnel Would Be Inappropriate
  • Mediations Concerning Absenteeism and Return-To-Work
  • Workplace Investigations
  • Bullying and Harassment Complaints
  • Redundancy and/or Termination Negotiations
  • Corporate, Non-Profit and Local Authority Training Programmes for Reducing Conflict In The Work Place
  • Personnel Management For Front-Line-Managers
  • Promoting Dignity In The Work Place
  • Reducing Absenteeism and Managing Problem Staff
  • And Other Human Resources Training Programmes

Munster Mediation is experienced working with both employees and employers in workplace dispute resolution in Ireland, England, Scotland, Canada and the United States. We have been retained by companies large and small as well as local authorities.

If you would like to send us a message or request a call back, please fill in the following form:

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Family Mediation

  • Separation Agreement (Deed of Separation – can be done without going to court)
  • Child Access Dispute Resolution
  • Parenting Plans (for married and un-married couples)
  • Pension and Asset Sharing
  • Estate Distribution/Disposal Resolution
  • Succession Issues (Who inherits your estate)
  • Home Care / Long-Term Care Family Conflict Agreements
  • Trustee Issues
  • Mediation Pursuant To The Hague Convention On The Civil Aspects Of International Child Abduction
  • Mediation With HSE Concerning Returning Children From State Care and/or Abuse Investigation Resolution
  • Mediation With Department Of Education Concerning Services Or School Enrolment For Children With Special Needs Or Autism

Mediation provides you control. You decide where, when and how quickly or slowly you want to proceed. The mediator acts as a fair, impartial go-between to help parties state their needs, reach agreement and move forward without further conflict. Mediation is available during business or evening hours. With advanced notice, weekend hours are available.

Prices:  According to The Irish Times, the average cost of mediation is over €1,800. Munster Mediation provides a fixed-price mediation of only €750 which includes up to 5 sessions and the written agreement which is enforceable in court. Please contact Miceal O’Hurley at (086) 107 0017 to schedule your no-obligation telephone conversation to discuss your needs today.

If you would like to send us a message or request a call back, please contact us: