Newstalk ‘Hard Shoulder’ with Kieran Cuddihy  – 17 June 2024

Irish Independent – ‘‘We have no choice’ – Irish mum asked to travel to Egypt over claims husband abducted their two children’  – 17 June 2024

RTE’s Today with Sean O’Rourke – 20 June 2019

War on Terrorism – CTV 2001


Miceál O’Hurley-Pitts believes that mediation is still in its ‘infancy’ in Ireland compared to other jurisdictions which provide a greater statutory framework for the process.

Irish Examiner, Mar 13th 2009

NOTW Munster Med Print Version

“Disputes like these — especially in communities with close family connections — can divide entire estates and villages and lead to violence”

News of the World, Dec 6th 2009
