Mortgage, Rent and Debt Renegotiations

  • Mortgage payment negotiations with Banks
  • Debt management/restructuring plans
  • Guarantor Withdrawal and/or Guarantor Default Conflicts
  • Breach of Contract Disputes
  • Liability Issue Mediation
  • Landlord/Tenant Negotiations
  • Banking Contract Dispute Resolution
  • Damage Assessment Dispute Resolution

With today’s banking problems, individuals, couples, businesses and others are facing serious problems making ends meet. Because of outdated consumer protection laws, administration and bankruptcy laws and the costs involved, many find moving forward difficult in today’s climate. Munster Mediation can help you re-structure your debt, negotiation reduced payments, engage in debt forgiveness negotiations and help you move forward in a constructive manner without further financial worries and by helping you come to agreement with your creditors on terms you can actually meet.

If you would like to send us a message or request a call back, please email us today: